for Tourism

Angielski w turystyce to podstawa. Prawie na całym świecie: na lotniskach, w hotelach czy restauracjach można porozumieć się w tym języku. Jeżeli chcesz poczuć się pewniej w słownictwie branżowym, weź udział w naszym szkoleniu.

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Sprawdź terminy

1. THE SKY’S THE LIMIT, not the language – managing the air travel:

  • At the check-in desk,
  • The Arrivals/Departures Lounge.What’s wrong? Problem-solving at the airport,
  • Delayed, lost or damaged baggage – At the Lost Property,
  • Completing the Property Irregularity Report (PIR).

2. A BUMPY RIDE? Not for a smooth-talker – on a bus:

  • The art of speaking – communicating with a bus driver,
  • What’s that noise? Reacting to emergency situations and technical problems),
  • Tour commentaries – indicating position, city tours, superlatives.

3. HIT THE ROAD and avoid the barriers, language barriers – road transport:

  • Car rental companies – checking car availability, making a reservation, special deals, rental preferences, modifying or cancelling the booking, car guide,
  • It all happened so quickly… – reporting a car crash, describing an accident, recording an incident.

English for Tourism luty 2017

4. NOT A BED OF ROSES! – hotel English:

  • Accommodation: hotel rooms, function rooms, room services and fittings,
  • Hotel amenities.At the front desk: checking in/checking out,
  • Hotel hierarchy,
  • Guest service,
  • How are we getting there? Describing a hotel location, asking directions,
  • Handling complaints – dealing with common/unexpected problems, apologizing, maintaining the customer’s confidence, promising an action, Expressions of errors and damage.

5. IT LEFT ME SPEECHLESS – sightseeing:

  • Providing a running commentary to the guests, sightseeing-related words and expressions,
  • Tourist attractions – indicating positions, defining the style and design of a building, talking about the architecture of famous tourist attractions, adjectives, characteristic features,
  • Places of historical interest – looking at the buildings/monuments in their historical context,
  • An eloquent talk of a tour guide.Questions and answers.

6. T’S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD – travel guard.

  • International travel insurance,
  • Medical assistance services,
  • Medical expenses. Personal accidents,
  • Providing linguistic assistance to guests,
  • Handling situations at the doctor’s and chemist’s.

7. I HAVE A LOT ON MY PLATE – restaurants and their services:

  • Describing eating and drinking establishments.
  • Safeguarding the welfare of your guests,
  • Restaurant amenities and services,
  • Personal attention – assisting taking orders,
  • Recommending and comparing,
  • What’s on the menu? – the classical menu structure, explaining dishes, food ingredients and recipes,
  • Responding to customers’ comments on food.


  • Making announcement of musicals, dance, live music, live bands
  • Hosting talent shows, comedy shows, quizzes and games
  • Vocabulary related to suggesting, inviting, encouraging,
  • Running tournaments.

9. NO OBSTACLES PUT IN THE WAY – accessible tourism.

  • Assisting people with disabilities and seniors,
  • Describing tourist destinations, products and services accessible to the disabled,
  • Vocabulary related to barrier-free destinations – infrastructure and facilities (eg. well-adapted hotel room, wheelchair accessible vehicles, accessible airport transfer
  • Disability equipment such as wheelchairs, bath chairs and toilet raisers.

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